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Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Luxilon Shot

India's Sania Mirza

This revolution is taking place in the world of racket strings. Earlier the professional tennis players used “ gut “ which were highly resilient strings . And then came the string called Luxilon. Unlike the lively strings of days past, Luxilon a company that makes fibers and strings for industrial applications has manufactured Luxilon String which is actually a dead string. Because the string is so dead, the player can swing loose and hard.

Years ago skill was needed to hit such a shot, Luxilon has allowed players even with not so good technique at all levels to hit the ball with an extraordinary spin/mph ratio.

Luxilon string manufactured by LUXILON is nothing but a high-tech and high-quality monofilament from which the tennis, squash, badminton racquet strings are made.

The company Luxilon also manufactures monofilaments which are being used in the medical field.

According to the experts, “The rotation you get with “Luxilon” is drastically different than with “gut” strings. The ball jumps and moves unbelievably. A ball that looks like it’s going way out and then drops like a stone-that’s what everyone calls ‘a Luxilon shot.’”

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